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How long does it typically take to complete the setup process via

The time it takes to complete the setup process via can vary depending on several factors, including your familiarity with the process, the speed of your internet connection, and any potential complications encountered along the way. However, on average, the setup process typically takes around 10 to 20 minutes to complete.

Here's a rough breakdown of the time it might take for each step:

  1. Connection and Installation: Connecting your Trezor device to your computer and installing any necessary software (such as Trezor Bridge) usually takes a few minutes.

  2. PIN Setup: Setting up a PIN for your Trezor device is a quick process, typically taking only a couple of minutes.

  3. Recovery Seed Backup: Generating and backing up your recovery seed is an essential step that requires careful attention. Depending on your speed of writing down the 24-word seed and verifying it, this step may take around 5 to 10 minutes.

  4. Finalization: Once you've completed the setup steps and confirmed your recovery seed, finalizing the setup process usually only takes a minute or two.

Keep in mind that while the setup process itself may not take too long, it's crucial to take your time, follow the instructions carefully, and ensure that you securely back up your recovery seed. Rushing through the process could lead to mistakes that may compromise the security of your funds.

Last updated